About this event
Do you want to move on up in your fundraising career?
Are you feeling stuck in your current role? How do you get that development
director job? Want to jump ship and become a consultant? Have you ever wanted to be executive director?
Join us on April 13th-15th 2015 for the Fundraising Virtual Career
For the tiny sum of $9, you get all of these incredible sessions:
DAY ONE: Getting that next job April 13th, 2015
10am PT (1pm ET): Getting your foot in the door and making your fundraising
resume shine -Mazarine Treyz
12pm PT (3pm ET): Your story in your fundraising cover letter -Vanessa Chase
1pm PT (4pm ET): How to interview strong for a fundraising role -Claire
2:30pm PT (5:30pm ET): How to discover your strengths and succeed in your
fundraising career -Kishshana Palmer
DAY TWO: Creating a healthier, more effective workplace April 14th, 2015
10am PT (2pm ET) How to make a splash in your first 90 days -Mazarine Treyz
12pm PT (3pm ET) Dealing with difficult people (donors, staff, and others)
-Kishshana Palmer
1pm PT (4pm ET) How to create better boundaries at work (Speaker TBD)
2:30pm PT (5:30pm ET) Self care in your nonprofit workplace-keeping it up -a
panel of self care experts, including Pearl Waldorf, Vanessa Chase, Sheena
Greer and others.
TIME TBD: How to negotiate your salary (and why you should) (Speaker TBD)
DAY THREE: Moving on up April 15th, 2015
10am PT (1pm ET) How to start creating a culture of philanthropy -Linda
11:30am PT (1:30pm ET) Panel Discussion of how to move on up with Chief
Development Officers, VPs of Development, and Executive Directors who have
been Development staff.
1pm PT (3pm ET) Empowering yourself to move on up in your career to Executive Director-Joanne Oppelt
2:30pm PT (5:30pm ET) How to leave a toxic workplace and become a successful
consultant -Tom Ahern
Go to http://register.fundraisingcareerconference.com to learn more!