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Workshop Training or Seminar

The Conversion Factor: Getting Started with Email Marketing

Mercy Corps Northwest 43 SW Naito Parkway
Event Contact Person: Alysse Kerr

About this event

This event is provided by Mercy Corps Northwest

In this seminar we will take full advantage of our two hours, helping participants develop email marketing skills that will be directly applicable to their business, regardless of industry. Marketers consistently rank email as the single most effective tactic for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention. For every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return on investment is $44.25! So let’s roll up our sleeves and advance your email marketing competence to benefit your business. In this seminar we will cover email best practices, content strategies specific to your target audience, measuring and tracking for optimal performance, and hands-on email tool training. The course will combine lecture, workshop and group discussion so that we may all learn from each other and facilitate a collaborative but focused learning environment. You will leave the class with a deeper understanding of email strategy, an execution plan and process, and tactical skills so that you can immediately jumpstart your email marketing program.