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Tour or Open House

Oswego Lake Watershed Tour

Uplands Elementary 2055 Wembley Park Road
Event Contact Person: Stephanie Wagner
Lake Oswego

About this event

This event is provided by Oswego Lake Watershed Council

Join the Oswego Lake Watershed tour for a an exciting tour of our watershed!
This tour will introduce you to the Oswego Lake Watershed and provide an
overview of watershed science and issues affecting watershed health.

This field trip begins at one of the headwaters of Springbrook Creek and follows the creek route to Oswego Lake with visits at several key areas along
the creek. The tour concludes at Oswego Creek as water leaves the lake and
makes its way to the Willamette River. This event is free and family-friendly. RSVP is required. Please e-mail Stephanie at
[email protected] to reserve your space.