About this event
This event is provided by AFP Oregon and SW Washington Chapter
Association of Fundraising Professionals of Oregon and SW Washington is
bringing to Portland AFP International’s acclaimed Fundamentals of
Fundraising Course, on September 29-30, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Mercy Corps, 45
SW Ankeny Street in Portland.
The course features seven customized modules comprising 16-hours of intensive programming to build the foundations of the philanthropic development sector.
Each module is designed to feature the real world needs and challenges that nonprofits face every day, featuring a presentation by regional and national
experts, as well as case studies, group discussion, and take-home reading.
The AFP Fundamental of Fundraising Course is designed for fundraising professionals with 0 to 4 years of experience. This may also include others
who have responsibility for the development function such as executive directors, vice presidents of development, program managers, special event
coordinators and leadership volunteers for local nonprofits and foundations. This Course is approved for 16 hours of CFRE credit towards a qualifying CFRE
application or as continuing education for recertification.
Individuals who are transitioning into the sector and those new to the
development field will learn how to organize and manage fundraising programs,
gain basic skills in a variety of techniques, and prepare for a career in
development. Trustees and CEOs will discover useful tools to change the
direction and clarify the expectation of the development office. Volunteers
will find this course a valuable preparation for gift solicitation.
The cost is $290 AFP Members ($390 after August 15), $390 Nonmembers ($490
after August 15) and $190 Additional Registrations from same organization.