About this event
This event is provided by Gateway to College National Network
Youth in state care are a community responsibility. Nationally, only 10% of
foster youth enroll in postsecondary education and 3% obtain a secondary
credential, compared to 40% of their peers. Gateway to College National
Network (GtCNN), in collaboration with partners from the Portland community,
created the PDX Bridge project to propel Portland area foster, juvenile
justice, and homeless youth onto a pathway from high school to and through
Please join us at 12:00 PM on March 15 at Mercy Corps Northwest where a panel
of PDX Bridge students and project partners will share their experiences in
PDX Bridge and how cross-collaboration among organizations can lead to
improved student outcomes. Gateway Gatherings are an opportunity to advance
important conversations and we hope that you will lend your voice.
Refreshments and dessert will be served. Brown bag lunches are welcome and