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Nonprofit Board Network

New Realities in Major Gifts Fundraising

Ecotrust Conference Center, 2nd Floor 721 NW 9th Avenue

About this event

Barb Gibbs, Senior Consultant
Nonprofit Association of Oregon

Jeri Alcock, CFRE, ETS Associate
Nonprofit Association of Oregon

Pizza, Salad, No-host Bar & Networking at 5:00
Presentation at 5:30

This session will explore the current context and considerations for major gifts fundraising. Speakers will review global forces, trends and findings of recent philanthropy studies, and the impact of generational differences on giving. Participants will learn about wealth screening, how to conduct prospect research using giving history, and free tools such as websites and searchable databases to improve their fundraising results.

About the Presenters

Barb Gibbs has 30 years’ experience in nonprofit management and philanthropy. She directed three major art museums and was development director for a large social service agency. She served as program officer and director of policy and strategy for the Meyer Memorial Trust, where she worked with hundreds of Oregon nonprofits and oversaw multi-million dollar investments in public education, affordable housing, the arts, ocean conservation, and leadership development in communities of color. Barb has served on national and state arts grants panels, and on the Boards of Grantmakers of Oregon and SW Washington and Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington. She holds an AB in Fine Arts from Brown and an MBA from UCLA’s Graduate School of Management.

Jeri Alcock, CFRE, is a fundraising consultant and data crusader who has spent her career serving the nonprofit sector. Jeri established On Course Consulting in 2006. In her role as a consultant, Jeri provides campaign and Board development services with an emphasis on data-driven, evidence-based strategies. In 2012, Jeri launched DonorDynamics, a prospect screening software that helps organizations to start or grow their major gift programs.

Prior to consulting, Jeri served as Director of Development for Community Action Organization where she oversaw a fundraising program that raised one million dollars annually. Jeri also served as Interim Director of Development for SOLVE and Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation. Jeri is passionate about helping great causes to find their greatest champions.

About the Network

Nonprofit Board Network offers regular opportunities in a relaxed atmosphere for you to learn about nonprofit governance, network with Board members from other organizations, and meet the experts. Nonprofit Board Network gives you a chance to interact with respected thinkers and practitioners in the nonprofit world and to share information and experience.

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Barb Gibbs, Senior Consultant
Nonprofit Association of Oregon

Jeri Alcock, CFRE, ETS Associate
Nonprofit Association of Oregon

Pizza, Salad, No-host Bar & Networking at 5:00
Presentation at 5:30

This session will explore the current context and considerations for major gifts fundraising. Speakers will review global forces, trends and findings of recent philanthropy studies, and the impact of generational differences on giving. Participants will learn about wealth screening, how to conduct prospect research using giving history, and free tools such as websites and searchable databases to improve their fundraising results.

About the Presenters

Barb Gibbs has 30 years’ experience in nonprofit management and philanthropy. She directed three major art museums and was development director for a large social service agency. She served as program officer and director of policy and strategy for the Meyer Memorial Trust, where she worked with hundreds of Oregon nonprofits and oversaw multi-million dollar investments in public education, affordable housing, the arts, ocean conservation, and leadership development in communities of color. Barb has served on national and state arts grants panels, and on the Boards of Grantmakers of Oregon and SW Washington and Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington. She holds an AB in Fine Arts from Brown and an MBA from UCLA’s Graduate School of Management.

Jeri Alcock, CFRE, is a fundraising consultant and data crusader who has spent her career serving the nonprofit sector. Jeri established On Course Consulting in 2006. In her role as a consultant, Jeri provides campaign and Board development services with an emphasis on data-driven, evidence-based strategies. In 2012, Jeri launched DonorDynamics, a prospect screening software that helps organizations to start or grow their major gift programs.

Prior to consulting, Jeri served as Director of Development for Community Action Organization where she oversaw a fundraising program that raised one million dollars annually. Jeri also served as Interim Director of Development for SOLVE and Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation. Jeri is passionate about helping great causes to find their greatest champions.

About the Network

Nonprofit Board Network offers regular opportunities in a relaxed atmosphere for you to learn about nonprofit governance, network with Board members from other organizations, and meet the experts. Nonprofit Board Network gives you a chance to interact with respected thinkers and practitioners in the nonprofit world and to share information and experience.

February 11th, 2014 from  5:00 PM to  7:00 PM
Ecotrust Conference Center, 2nd Floor
721 NW 9th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209
Event Fee(s)
NAO Members $22.50
Nonmembers $25.00