About this event
Join us for Columbia Land Trust’s Habitap event at the family-friendly Oregon Public House, where a small portion of the day’s sales total (from noon to 10 PM) will go to support Columbia Land Trust. (Even takeout counts.) Every $15 you spend that day earns you a raffle ticket—and a chance to win a Columbia Sportswear backpack or slots on our 2014 tours, among other great prizes.
PLUS: Portland-based Tanner Goods has generously donated 150 custom-made leather coasters to us. We’ll be giving these away after 5:00. Thank you
Tanner Goods!
But the real point of Habitap? To gather likeminded Portlanders and friends together for a casual evening of fun. Come out and meet our staff, sign up for upcoming volunteer events (amphibian-egg-mass counters and tree-planters
wanted), or test your earthly knowledge in our BioQuiz.
No need to RSVP, but please share the invite liberally. A $4,000 sales tab will put the night’s mascot, Ochotona princeps, all the way to the top of a Cascade peak.